Buy your own toll-free, local or (inter)national numbers directly online


Fixed Number on Mobile

Ideal for the small and starting entrepreneur!

Do you want an (extra) business phone number? And do you want it forwarded to your mobile? We can arrange it for you on the same day. For a starting rate of only € 9.95 per month.

Find a 0818 or local number in our number shop, fill in the request form and we will forward all incoming calls to your mobile the same day.

Do you want to expand after some time, for example with multiple users? Or a VOIP desk? That too is possible. It's all possible within the Belfabriek platform, so you can always expand and grow. We grow with you!

If your phone number gets more calls after a while you can also turn it into a virtual number with 2 or more users. Then you can also transfer incoming calls to your colleague or partner. So you never lose a call!

This option is extremely popular within our package of possibilities and as a business user always better than putting a mobile number on your website or folder, because then you're always stuck with 1 phone.
With this option, you have a beautiful 0818 or local number and you can start for a small amount per month!

Your business phone number exactly the way you want it

Let our colleagues set up your phone number the way you want it. You can then easily make changes yourself or let us do it so you don't have to worry about it anymore!

Call filter

Are there callers you would rather not allow to call a particular number, for whatever reason? You can easily block them with the call filter feature.

Call overflow handling

An enormously successful marketing campaign? Free publicity in national media? A successful Google Ads campaign? Commendable reviews on a comparison site? No problem!

Call recording

"This call may be recorded to ensure the quality of our service." Those calling a business number regularly hear a similar announcement. Chances are that these numbers are hosted by Belfabriek.

Call statistics

You have a business phone number so that your customers can reach you easily. You want to talk to more callers and serve them better. But how do you know if you are achieving your goals? Measuring is knowing.

Caller queue

There will be times when you have more callers than staff available on the phone. These types of call peaks are easily managed with call queue, a great feature available to every customer at Belfabriek.

Central branch phone number

Our IVR platform can distribute hundreds of simultaneous calls to all your branches across the country.

Change destination

Callers are routed to all your phones: landline, mobile, VOIP or traditional. You can change this destination whenever and as often as you like.

Direct forward

Your phone number is a virtual number. This means that every incoming call is forwarded to an extension. This can be a landline or mobile phone.

International telephony

Delivering telephone calls nationally or in other countries? No problem!

Phone menu

Your customers would prefer to have someone on the line asap. Not every colleague knows how to answer every question. With a phone choice menu, you put callers through to the right person as quick as possible.

SMS sending tool

For short messages to your customers SMS are an excellent medium. But how do you send them to large groups? The SMS tool from the Belfabriek is a real godsend.

Statistics by e-mail

Your daily, weekly or monthly call statistics overview conveniently in the mail. Included with your telephone number, of course.

Text to Speech Bot ✨

Do you want a welcome message on your number? Are you not a fan of your own voice? And is hiring a professional voice actor just a bit too expensive for you?

VIP Whitelist

Do you want to grant access to your business telephone number only to a certain group of contacts? With a VIP whitelist you ensure that the lines remain free for whom your telephone number is intended.

Virtual Call Centre

A virtual call centre allows you to quickly forward callers to available colleagues: at home, in the office or anywhere else.


Never miss a call when all your colleagues are busy or you are temporarily unavailable.


Flexible switching of extensions via your own website using a webhook

Welcome message

"Thank you for calling..." is the first thing you hear when you call a professional company.


Many entrepreneurs have multiple numbers for multiple purposes or web shops. In such a case, it is useful to know at the beginning of a conversation which telephone number is being called!

Fixed on Mobile

A phone system that works for all your colleagues: in the office, at home or on the road!

Try it now!

Enter your mobile number here

Satisfied Belfabriek telephony customers:

Desk phone

A pre-configured device for a plug 'n' play experience


Receive and make business calls on your existing mobile phones

Web Interface

Manage all numbers and connections online

Mobile apps

Set yourself as available or unavailable to receive phone calls

Fixed Number on Mobile

Your calls directly to your cell phone